Get Started in 3 Steps
Step 1 - Connect your EKS cluster
Run a script to install our lightweight, read-only agent on your EKS cluster. No special IAM privileges required.
Step 2 - See how much you can save
Get instant visibility into cost savings that EMP can offer for your EKS cluster.
Step 3 - Create EMP and start optimizing
Create an instance of EMP for your EKS cluster and start optimizing EKS costs immediately.
Get Started in 3 Steps
Step 1 - Connect your EKS cluster
Run a script to install our lightweight, read-only agent on your EKS cluster. No special IAM privileges required.
Step 2 - See how much you can save
Get instant visibility into cost savings that EMP can offer for your EKS cluster.
Step 3 - Create EMP and start optimizing
Create an instance of EMP for your EKS cluster and start optimizing EKS costs immediately.
Why Use EMP
Go beyond bin-packing. Maximize EKS cost savings
Because EMP optimizes at compute layer, it can go much further beyond simple bin-packing. By allocating only the resources your workers currently need, EMP maximizes utilization and minimizes costs.
No need to ‘right-size’ pod requests
EMP optimizes fully behind the scenes, without needing changes to pod request config. No need to convince developers to modify their app request config.
Rebalance & consolidate with ‘live-migration’
EMP can auto-rebalance and consolidate workloads by live-migrating the EVM workers behind the scenes.
This means zero pod disruption and no impact on workload SLA.
How EMP Works
EMP optimizes EKS utilization and cuts costs by deploying its own "Elastic Virtual Machines" on EC2 metal instances— all fully automated, behind the scenes, and using your AWS account.

Save With EMP
1-5 clusters At least 1 cluster with 20-100 nodes & >=1.3 TB total memory. Read minimum size req
* Estimated costs assuming on-demand price, not accounting for network, egress
- m6i.4xlarge $0.7680
- m6i.4xlarge $0.7680
- m6i.4xlarge $0.7680
Node Group 1 - 20 nodes
- 20x m6i.4xlarge @ $0.7680 per hour
- Avg utilization: Memory: 30%, CPU: 25%
- Avg utilization: Memory: 25%, CPU: 15%
*All prices based on current on-demand rate for US-east-1 region
- m6i.4xlarge
- m6i.4xlarge
- m6i.4xlarge
EVM pool 1 - 20 nodes
- m6i.metal $6.144
Bare Metal pool - min 1, max 1
- m6i.metal – min 1, max 1 @$6.144 per hour
- Over-commit ratio – 2.5x Memory, 16x CPU
- Avg utilization: Memory: 75%, CPU: 63%
- Avg utilization: Memory: 62%, CPU: 37%
*All prices based on current on-demand rate for US-east-1 region
3-10 clusters At least 1 cluster with 20-100 nodes & >=1.3 TB total memory. Read minimum size req
* Estimated costs assuming on-demand price, not accounting for network, egress
- r6i.4xlarge $1.0008
- r6i.4xlarge $1.0008
- r6i.4xlarge $1.0008
Node Group 1 - 44 nodes
- r6i.2xlarge $0.5040
- r6i.2xlarge $0.5040
- r6i.2xlarge $0.5040
Node Group 2 - 25 nodes
- 44x r6i.4xlarge @ $1.008 per hour
- 25x r6i.2xlarge @ $0.5040 per hour
- Avg utilization: Memory: 25%, CPU: 15%
*All prices based on current on-demand rate for US-east-1 region
- r6i.4xlarge
- r6i.4xlarge
- r6i.4xlarge
EVM pool 1 - 44 nodes
- r6i.2xlarge
- r6i.2xlarge
- r6i.2xlarge
EVM pool 2 - 25 nodes
- r6i.metal $8.064
- r6i.metal $8.064
- r6i.metal $8.064
Bare Metal pool - min 2, max 3
- R6i.metal – min 2, max 3 @$8.064 per hour
- Over-commit ratio – 2.5x Memory, 16x CPU
- Avg utilization: Memory: 62%, CPU: 37%
*All prices based on current on-demand rate for US-east-1 region
6-10 large clusters OR 100+ small clusters At least 1 cluster with 20-100 nodes & >=1.3 TB total memory. Read minimum size req
* Estimated costs assuming on-demand price, not accounting for network, egress
- m6i.4xlarge $0.7680
- m6i.4xlarge $0.7680
- m6i.4xlarge $0.7680
Node Group 1 - 80 nodes
- c6i.4xlarge $0.6800
- c6i.4xlarge $0.6800
- c6i.4xlarge $0.6800
Node Group 2 - 58 nodes
- r6i.4xlarge $1.0008
- r6i.4xlarge $1.0008
- r6i.4xlarge $1.0008
Node Group 3 - 45 nodes
- 30x m6i.4xlarge @ $0.7680 per hour
- 30x c6i.4xlarge @ $0.6800 per hour
- 20x r6i.4xlarge @ $1.008 per hour
- Avg utilization: Memory: 20%, CPU: 45%
*All prices based on current on-demand rate for US-east-1 region
- m6i.4xlarge
- m6i.4xlarge
- m6i.4xlarge
EVM pool 1 - 80 nodes
- c6i.4xlarge
- c6i.4xlarge
- c6i.4xlarge
EVM pool 2 - 58 nodes
- r6i.4xlarge
- r6i.4xlarge
- r6i.4xlarge
EVM pool 2 - 45 nodes
- m6i.metal $6.144
- m6i.metal $6.144
- m6i.metal $6.144
Bare Metal pool 1 - min 2, max 4
- c6i.metal $5.440
- c6i.metal $5.440
- c6i.metal $5.440
Bare Metal pool 2 - min 2, max 3
- r6i.metal $8.064
- r6i.metal $8.064
- r6i.metal $8.064
Bare Metal pool 3 - min 2, max 3
- m6i.metal – min 1, max 4 @$6.144 per hour
- c6i.metal – min 2, max 3 @$5.440 per hour
- r6i.metal – min 2, max 3 @$8.064 per hour
- Over-commit ratio – 2.5x Memory, 1.8x CPU
- Avg utilization: Memory: 40%, CPU: 80%
*All prices based on current on-demand rate for US-east-1 region
Learn More
Connect your EKS Cluster and Start Free
Get It Free
Up to 1 EKS cluster optimized completely for free – no credit card required. Experience benefits of EMP hassle free and cost free.
Maximize Savings
Maximum savings guaranteed – compare us to any other EKS cost optimization tool.
Saas or Self Hosted
Operate as SaaS or securely self hosted in your AWS environment.